速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Breach SoundShot

Breach SoundShot





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Breach SoundShot(圖1)-速報App

We developed this app for Breach. It will only work if you created your custom artwork on our website or if you are scanning a product from one of our official partners or artists.

This app will NOT work with just any artwork or sound wave pattern.

Enhance the artwork in your home with Breach. If you created and purchased a piece of art with Breach, you can use our app to scan your artwork and hear or even see it come to life! Listen to the audio or watch the video that you used to create your artwork simply by scanning it!

Must have:

•Breach SoundShot

•An official Breach product created by Breach or Aria Innovations

Breach SoundShot(圖2)-速報App

How the app works:

Our software analyzes each unique sound wave or picture and creates a model based on shapes, lines, proportions, and colors. It then matches that model against the models in our database. When it matches your artwork with the file used to create it, the magic happens by overlaying a generated video or audio on your screen, merging the digital and physical world to bring your artwork to life. Please note that this app only works with an official piece of artwork that is created and purchased through Breach in partnership with Aria Innovations

Want to try our app?

1. Complete design with Breach

2. Download the free app

3. Scan your design image on and see it come to life

Requirements to use the app

Must have created an official piece of art by Breach or Aria Innovations. Our app works with Android devices running 4.1 or newer. Works best with a strong internet or Wi-Fi connection. Works best with a strong internet or Wi-Fi connection.